Our Programs
Classes: We offer 2 day/week, 3 day/week, or 5 day/week classes with half day (9am - 12:15pm) and extended day (9am - 2:30pm) options. These classes are mixed ages, for children turning three, four and five during the school year (Sept. - May).
Classes: Our pre-kindergarten classes are 5 days/week, for children turning 5 during the school year (Sept. - May). We offer both half-day (8:45am - 12pm) and full day (8:45am - 2:30pm) options.
Classes: Our kindergarten classes are 5 full days/week (8:30am - 2:45pm), for children turning 6 during the school year (Sept. - May).
Program Features
Investigations & Seasonal Studies
An Investigation is an in-depth study of a topic that is initiated and guided by children’s authentic interest and questions. Projects give children the freedom to follow their own curiosities, gain deeper understanding, develop skills within a context, and communicate their learning in their own unique way. One project may last from one week to 9 weeks in length, depending on the depth of children’s interest and engagement.
Exploration centers are a time for children to explore materials, practice skills, and build on ideas through provocations. A provocation is an open ended invitation that does not have a prescribed outcome. Materials are arranged and designed to stimulate ideas and initiate imagination. During this time children play and make meaning, as educators observe, question, and document growth and learning.
Nature Play & Exploration
Outdoor exploration is a time for children to explore and play in nature, rain or shine! An ever growing body of research shows that children’s social, psychological, academic and physical health is positively impacted when they have daily contact with the natural world. We feel deeply that time to explore freely in nature allows children the opportunity to begin that lifelong relationship. At The Discovery School, there are many opportunities for unstructured play as well as moments of teacher facilitated investigation.
Documentation of Learning
We believe that learning is a process, and we work to tell the story of a child’s learning through active documentation. It can take on many forms including photographs, children’s quotes and writing, as well as work samples at various stages. Documentation draws children (and adults) into the experience of learning and strives to help the viewer make meaning of the process. When used intentionally, documentation informs curriculum by enabling educators to plan and facilitate learning experiences that are deeply connected to our children’s interests and stages of development.
Social-Emotional Learning & Mindfulness Practice
Children’s social and emotional growth sets the foundation for healthy development and learning throughout childhood. At The Discovery School, we support children in identifying and managing emotions, feeling and fostering empathy for others, establishing healthy relationships, as well as developing strategies for self-regulation. We weave mindfulness practice into this process by teaching children to use their senses in creating an awareness of the present moment. Children begin to notice the sensations of the mind, body and emotions, and learn strategies to bring focus back to the present moment.