Family Resources
2024-25 School Year Calendar
Find important dates for the 2024-25 school year.
2025-26 School Year Calendar - DRAFT
Find important dates for the 2025-26 school year.
2024-25 Family Handbook
Access important school information and policies for the 2024-25 school year.
2024-25 Discovery Parent Group Handbook
Find information about how to become more involved in The Discovery School community with the Discovery Parent Group.
Parents interested in participating in the Discovery Parent Group or becoming a parent volunteer can email to get details about current opportunities.
Reuse Requests
We would love to reuse the following items for projects and play. Items can be brought to the front office.
Baby Food Jars (Empty & Clean)
Soda Can Tabs
3T Outerwear (Rain & Snow Jackets/Pants/Suits)
4T & 5T Pants
Parking Map
This simple map indicates where to go and what to expect when you arrive.
Severe Allergy & Medication Forms